Friday, July 22, 2011

Saat Aku Hujan

Photo is from here
Saat aku menjadi hujan
yang luruh dan meresap
di tanah-tanah berwarna gelap;
kau tak usah gusar, hanya coba hiruplah
manisnya petrichor yang meruah--
aroma hujan bercampur debu tanah

Saat aku menjelma hujan
yang jatuh singgah di dahan dan daun-daun
lalu menguap saat angin mengayun;
kau tak perlu risau, hanya tunggulah sebentar
akan datang pelangi yang mekar
di mega-mega biru segar...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Moving Notification

Due to one and another reason, I'm making another blog. This new blog is designed especially for posts in English. Meanwhile, this blog--Lilalily--will be in Bahasa Indonesian. So, most of posts in English in this old blog will be exported to the new one.

The name of my new blog  is Purple Nook. It's actually an old name; I've ever used it for this blog before I chose Lilalily as a new name. Now that I'm making the new one, I can't resist not using it again. I love this name.

This new blog is not fully maintained, but hope you are pleased to dropping by and taking a little look in this new nook. Here's the Purple Nook.

Happy blogging... :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Salah Mengira

aku baru tahu
aku telah salah mengira jingga adalah ungu
aku baru saja mengerti
bahwa dia yang dulu bukanlah aku...

The Courtesy of the Wooden Mask

Photo Courtesy of Tess Kincaid
This beautiful wooden mask
hanging on the wall of your past

It never once betrays you or me or us
for it only shows the real face of itself
not the real you or me--
not the real us

Now that you and me
want to see each other--
the real us
we're suddenly in doubt, worried
for we may betray
the courtesy of the wooden mask!

Written for Magpie Tales #74

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Broken House

Raspy whisper of wind is still rumbling
through a house fallen into a ruin
one night storm made it rubble--
salient proof of fall.
I now rare to know,
if resiliency
will rummage
the broken

This Nonet is written for One Stop Poetry
Nonet is a form of a poem with a total of nine lines. The first line must have nine syllables, second line eight syllables, third line seven syllables and so on until you end with one syllable.

Monday, July 11, 2011

You Can't Grow a Tree in a Kitchen

You can't grow a tree in a kitchen
on a dining table made of glass
for a tree needs to grow its root
deep down rooted in the earth

You can't grow a tree in a kitchen
where the sun is blocked to enter
for a tree needs shafts of sunlight
to make a food in its green leaves

You can't grow a tree in a kitchen
but you don't believe me and listen
the smile in your face make me worry
for it will turn to be angry and gloomy
as the tree will soon be weary

You can't grow a tree in a kitchen
but you don't believe me and listen
as well as you won't understand
that we should sometimes be kind
to let something go for peace of our mind

You just can't grow a tree in a kitchen
but you don't believe me and listen...

This post is written for Thursday Short Story Slam Week-5 Children's Literature. Photo is taken from this website.
Besides, I also submit this post for Thursday Poets Rally Week 48



It's surprising that I have won The Perfect Poet Award of Week 48
The following is my award. Thank you for the award, Poets Rally.
Find my Haiku for the award picture as follows... :)


The Summer is Ready 

dandelion clocks fly free 
as light breeze blows gently 
Oh, summer is ready!


I vote for Cherlyn!


Saturday, July 09, 2011

I See This Girl and Guy

This picture is a work of Bonnie.

I see this girl, a particular girl
standing in a corner of this gallery:
she looks so worried or weary
I can tell it from the swing of her earrings from pearl

I see this guy, a guy in all black
I can't tell how he looks or feel
he just seems so amazed he stands still
in front of the big painting of black

I suddenly realize it
this girl can't take off her eyes from the guy in a black
who can't take his eyes off the painting of black

I then wondered, but please forgive me for this thought:
if this is a story of love triangle in a modern world--
between a girl, a guy, and this guy's beloved artwork.

This poem is written for Friday Poetically with Bryan Miller who provided three artworks of her friend, Bonnie, to be picked one as an inspiration of writing a poem.
Thanks to Bryan and Bonnie for this week's prompt... :)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

In This Little Summer House

In this little summer house
I sit still and browse
through the vast field of wheat
remembering how we first met

The big yellow sun shines 
the birds sing in the far pines
I listen to their voice
giving me such strenght to rejoice

How much I miss you, how could I tell?
You're just so far away, I couldn't trace your tale

This post is written for Mag 72 by Magpie Tales.

Monday, July 04, 2011

The Sad-Looking Stranger

I could only wonder:
What's there crisscrossing your mind
I believe it's not that clear as the plain water,
but black as the umbrella in your hand

I could only stare:
What's there in your look
It seems you long forget how to smile
no strange you look so crook

If only I could take a look to your mind
as easy as I open and see inside your big blue bag
maybe I could give you my hand
to find soon your lost luck back!

* Note:
This post is written for Writing Exercise (Monday, 4th July) for Creative Writing Ink.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Tentang Lena dan Duda Kaya

Adalah kisah tentang Lena
gadis miskin yang menikah dengan duda kaya
pada duda ia tak cinta
apa daya kehendak orang tua tak bisa ia cela
demi membayar hutang keluarga

Duda kaya punya anak dua
Ia kerja, Lena mengurusi anaknya
hari kelima semua pembantu dipecatnya;
Lena bilang ia bisa kerjakan semua:
mengurus anak, rumah, dan isinya

Duda kaya makin hari makin cinta
pikirnya ia tak salah pilih istri kedua
pulang kerja rumah rapi, anak terurus kebutuhannya
meski malamnya Lena lelah dan cepat tidurnya

Tak terasa tiga bulan sudah usia pernikahan mereka
duda kaya mulai merasa
ia bukannya tak salah pilih istri kedua
melainkan pembantu rumah tangga...


Ditulis di sesi Reading Lights Writers' Circle (Sabtu, 2/7) dengan tema: Miskin sebagai gaya hidup.
Saya memilih menulis narrative poem sebab sedang tidak bisa menulis cerpen.... :)

Saturday, July 02, 2011

My Phobia and You

Yes we know exactly that I'm phobia of heights. Acrophobia, they call it. So, it's not a secret that I will avoid doing anything which will trigger my phobia. I hate balcony. I avoid looking through the window glass from a room in a second floor, not to mention in a 13th floor and so on. There's no strange that I hate apartment. I prefer spending more hours trip by bus to travelling by airplane. That's why I've never gone that far, unlike you, the most adventurous man and passionate backpacker I've ever known. Maybe, this is one reason of why I fall in love with you. People say we tend to fall in love with ourselves that we see in others, but apart from that we tend also to fall in love with someone who will complete us as persons.

I don't know where you are right now. The last postcard I received from you telling me that you are somewhere in Asia. You said you fall in love to the beautiful scenery around you, the fresh air, the singing of birds you hear every morning, the tropical atmosphere, the local ladies, etc. You even wished that you could live there with me for the rest of your life. You also said that you can't wait to do climbing in the near mountain the next day. You showed me the track you will pass to that mountain; it is in the postcard picture. This bridge--I even couldn't believe people call this frail piece of wood and rope as a bridge--will lead your way to the mountain and find the climbing spot.

The last line you wrote was a joke saying that next time I should pass this frail bridge to get me you. Smile emoticon. Full stop. Your name.

It has been two months since I received your postcard. You've never made me this long waiting and wondering your story of where you are now, what you feel, where your next heading or plan, the local food and girls, what you do to get some money, how you get lost and find new adventure, how was the rock climbing, etc.

This postcard is the most read since one month ago, although I suffer from a headache and I always tremble every time I see the picture. And those symptoms are getting worse when I read your last line words.


I don't know what happen to me this morning. When I stared at the bridge, I felt like I will be able to pass this bridge for you. I felt no more headache, trembling or nausea. Yes, for the first time in my life: I want to pass this bridge, a frail bridge. This thought made my blood rushed faster. I will be able to go by plane. Maybe I need to meet psychiatrist first, but it's not a big problem. I've never this brave; I will try my best to pass it, if this bridge really could get me to you.

But, how could I know that you are there waiting?

This post is written for the Writing Exercise by Creative Writing Ink.
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